Our Faith Our Vote

Our Faith Our Vote


Our Faith Our Vote Our Faith Our Vote

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Our Faith Our Vote provides information and ideas to assist individuals and congregations in developing appropriate and meaningful ways to engage the political and electoral process as people faith. Congregations can engage in a variety of nonpartisan programs such as conducting voter registration and voter participation drives, holding candidate forums and attending town hall meetings, organizing issue education opportunities, and protecting the voting rights of all.

The need to equip ourselves and our communities to make informed, thoughtful decisions about those who will lead us in the future is great. It is our fervent hope that you will connect with members of your local church and community this year through the Our Faith Our Vote campaign.

Your vote is your voice and every voice makes a difference!

Button - pack of 10    $5.00
Sticker - pack of 50   $10.00
Printed Resource pack - FREE - just pay shipping (LIMIT OF 20)

Email us 24/7/365 at store@ucc.org with any questions.

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